cinefest - Internationales Festival des deutschen Film-Erbes

20th International Film History Conference

22 - 24 November 2007, daily 9.30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
at the University Guest House (Rothenbaumchausse 34)

CineFest 2007 – 4th International Festival of German Film Heritage and the 20th International Film History Conference, will focus on the multifaceted historical relations between German-speaking and Czecho-Slovakian film-making. Cinefest 2007 and the International Film History Conference are organized by CineGraph Hamburg and Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv Berlin, together with the National Film archive Prag, and Charles University of Prague.

German, Austrian and Czech cultures share an intensive and problematic history. Two World Wars led to drastic changes and cultural conflicts which have a continuous effect on the countries’ relations. Nowhere are the ever-changing developments and various facets of these precarious relations more explicitly projected than in film. CineFest 2007 and The Film History Conference will discuss the careers of stars on both sides of the border, look at production structures, and explore film-historical correlations between Berlin, Vienna, and Prague, from the early 20th century until today.

One main focus will be the cooperation and inter-migration of filmmakers and personell between Czechoslovakia Germany and Austria. Also discussed will be the contribution of German-speaking authors and filmmakers from the Prague milieu such as Franz Kafka, Max Brod, Egon Erwin Kisch, Willy Haas, or Franz Schulz to film productions in these countries. In addition, we will discuss the economic, artistic and political motifs, which caused Czech filmmakers like Anny Ondra (Ondráková), Karel/Carl Lamač, František Cáp or Vojtěch Jasný to migrate to and work in German-speaking countries .

Another important emphasis will be on the economic and institutional links between the countries and the effect on film production. The motifs and aims of German-Czechoslovakian and Czech-Austrian Co-Productions in different eras and political systems will be examined such as EIN MÄDEL VON DER REEPERBAHN / LIDÉ V BOURI (1930) and JAHRGANG 21 / ROČNÍK 21 (1957). We will also focus on the impact of cultural, social, and political rivalry between the nationalities on the production and reception of German-speaking films and German-Czech Language Versions in Czechoslovakia such as DER K.U.K FELD-MARSCHALL (1930) or DAS GÄSSCHEN ZUM PARADIES (1936). Another important topic at the conference will be  film production under Nazi rule in the “Reichsprotektorat” of Bohemia and Moravia, where not only the organizational set-up is of interest but also the content control during filmmaking and the strategies of Czech filmmakers between emigration and collaboration.

The conference will examine how Czechoslovakian, German and Austrian people have stereotyped each other in films. In doing so, the  development and changes of stereotypes, clichés and thematic motifs throughout the 20th century will be explored. The “Golden City” on the Vltava inspired early German films such as DER STUDENT VON PRAG or DER GOLEM. Films like HANGMEN ALSO DIE! (1942), NĚMÁ BARIKÁDA (1949), TRANSPORT Z RÁJE (1962), DER MÄDCHENKRIEG (1976/77), HILDE, DAS DIENSTMÄDCHEN (1985/86), and MUSÍME SI POMÁHAT (1999) display the continuing interest of German and Czech film directors in dealing with the experiences of occupation, war and displacement.

The conference is supported by the Adalbert Stifter Association, Munich

Programme (subject to change)

[There will be simultaneous translations in German/Czech]

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Conference Opening
Metropolis-Kino (Dammtorstr. 30a)
Opening film: ADELHEID (CS 1969, František Vláčil), 99 min, OV, engl. subtitles
Introduction: Tereza Dvořáková, Prague

Join us after the film for a drink at Metropolis. Sponsored by Becherovka.

Conference at the University Guesthouse  (Rothenbaumchausee 34)

Thursday, 22 November 2007

09:15 am
09:30 – 12:30
Peter Becher, Munich: Koexistenz und Konkurrenz – deutsche und tschechische Kultur in der Tschechoslowakei. Ein Überblick
Jan-Christopher Horak, Los Angeles: Anny and Schweijk: The German Reception of Czech Silent Cinema
Gernot Heiss, Vienna: Filmproduktion zwischen Prag und Wien bis 1938

1:30 – 4:30 pm
Petr Szczepanik, Brno/Prague: German Electrical Corporations and Czechoslovak Film Industry in the 1930s
Kevin Johnson, Seattle/Prague: Kulturelle Mischungen: Nation, Ort und Identität in den deutsch-tschechischen Sprachversionen
Horst Claus, Bristol: Die Ufa und der tschechische Markt 1927-1938 im Spiegel der Ufa-Vorstandsprotokolle

Friday, 23 November 2007

09:15 am – 12:30 pm
Tereza Dvořáková, Prague: Cinematographic Power Structures in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
Petr Bednařík, Prague: Die Karriere des deutschen Filmfunktionärs Karl Schulz als Okkupationsgewinnler
Hans-Joachim Schlegel, Berlin: Otakar Vávra und G. W. Pabst in Barrandov 1942/43

1:30 – 4:30 pm
Petr Mareš, Prague: Tschechen und Deutsche in Fritz Langs Hangmen Also Die
Pavel Zeman, Prague: Sudetendeutsche und Vertreibung in tschechoslowakischen Filmwochenschauen und Dokumentarfilmen 1945-1948
Petr Koura, Prague : Die Entwicklung des Bildes der Deutschen im tschechoslowakischen Film nach 1945

7:00 pm: HILDE, DAS DIENSTMÄDCHEN (DDR 1985/86, Günther Rücker, Jürgen Brauer)
Presentation: Elke Schieber, Potsdam: Geliebte und verlorene Heimat - Lust und Verantwortung zu erzählen, wie es war

Saturday, 24 November 2007

09:15 am – 12:30 pm
Ivan Klimeš, Prague: Co-Produktionen als Politikum. Zur Filmzusammenarbeit zwischen DDR und ČSSR nach 1969
Ralf Forster, Potsdam / Volker Petzold, Potsdam: Ungleiche Partner im Animationsfilm. Deutsch-tschechische Kooperationen am Beispiel der Serie Rübezahl (1974-84)
Helena Srubar, Linz: (West) German-Czech co-productions in children’s films of the 1970ies and 1980ies: Pan Tau et al.

1:30 – 3:30 pm
Thomas Ballhausen, Vienna: Die Tücken der Objekte. Eine Notiz zu Jan Švankmajers in Österreich produzierten Filmen.
Rudolf Jürschik, Berlin: DEFA und Barrandov: Aspekte der ddr-deutsch – tschechischen Filmbeziehungen

3:30 – 4:30 pm
Final Discussion

9:00 pm: MAMITSCHKA (BRD 1955, Rolf Thiele)
Presentation: Stefan Zwicker, Mainz/Bonn: »Frommes Herz, entwurzelte Jugend« – zur Darstellung einer sudetendeutschen Vertriebenenfamilie in Rolf Thieles MAMITSCHKA

film programme

For more information, please contact:

CineGraph e.V., Schillerstr. 43, D - 22767 Hamburg
Tel.: +49-(0)40-352194 / Fax: +49-(0)40-345864

19th International Film History Confernce (to the archive)
18th International Film History Conference (to the archive)

The conferences 1988 - 2004

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