cinefest - Internationales Festival des deutschen Film-Erbes

Forums at Cinefest

Cine-Forums - Discussions with experts

The forums will take place on 19+20 November, from 2-4 pm in the seminar room of Zentralbibliothek Hamburg (4th floor, Room 422, Arno-Schmidt-Platz, 20097 Hamburg).
There is no admission fee, but due to limited space please register in advance:
info(at), Tel.: +49-40-18884568

The forums will be held in German

Programm als pdf

Tuesday, 19 November 2013:
Geliehenes Film-Erbe. Wie kommen Nutzer an alte Filme?
— Peter Bossen, Hamburger Öffentliche Bücherhallen
— Peter Delin, Zentral- und Landesbibliothek, Berlin
— Kilian Krause, K-Kubik GmbH, filmgarten, Hamburg
Moderation: Olaf Brill, CineGraph

Wednesday, 20 November 2013:
Film-Erbe aus dem Netz. Streaming, das neue Heimkino?
— Andreas Wildfang,, Berlin
— Andreas Vogel,, Potsdam
— Niels Rasmussen, NDR, Hamburg
Moderation: Karl Griep, Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin

The cinefest-Forums are organized in cooperation with Zentralbibliothek and FilmDienst

Deutsche Version

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