
Here you have the possibility to register for CineFest 2016 (19-27 November 2016) in Hamburg

Ticket prices without accreditation:
7,50 Euro (5,- Euro for members of and children and teens under 16). Additional charges for extra length and musical acompaniment.

Ticket sales and und reservations:
Kommunales Kino Metropolis, Kleine Theaterstr. 10
Tel.: +49-(0)40-342353

For participation at the conference a registration is obligatory.

There are three different registrations available:

Festival and Conference (120.- Euro / 85.- Euro*)
→ entitles you to attend the conference and all screenings

Conference (90.- Euro / 60.- Euro*)
→ entitles you to attend the conference (24 - 26 November) and all screenings from 23 - 27 November

Festival (70.- Euro / 45.- Euro*)
→ entitles you to attend all screenings

Registered guests can purchase the festival catalogue & DVD for the discounted price of 10 Euros (Normal price is 20 Euros) and are entitled from 20 Nov to 4 Dec to a reduced entrance fee (6 Euros) to the Emigration Museum Ballinstadt Hamburg.
Members of CineGraph Hamburg e.V. receive the catalogue for free.

The registration is also valid for screenings of cinefest encore!

* Discounts apply to members of CineGraph Hamburg e.V., students, and journalists

Registration form as pdf

Contact: info(at)

Online registration for festival and conference
CMS Frog
Please send us a recent passport-size photo for the bagde.
* Required Fields (Please make sure you write your correct Email-address)

Please transfer the registration fee by November 11, 2015, to the following account:
CineGraph e.V. – Account Nr. 1241 128 212 – Hamburger Sparkasse, Bank Code: 200 505 50 (IBAN: DE33200505501241128212  –  BIC/SWIFT: HASPDEHHXXX ).

or pay with PayPal
(don't forget to choose the desired category)


Trailer cinefest 2016

Teaser cinefest 2016

Support cinefest with a donation via PayPal


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