The Willy Haas Award is presented annually as an integral part of cinefest – Internationales Festival des deutschen Film-Erbes to an influential international print and DVD publication on the subject of German cinema. This year will be the 12th annual presentation of this prize, which is named after German-Czech author, screenwriter and film-critic Willy Haas.
The award is presented at the opening night of the International Film History Conference on the 18th of November 2015.
Each of the winners will receive a certificate and an original graphic from artist and filmmaker Franz Winzentsen.
Our 2015 international jury members are: Peter Bossen (Hamburg), Martin Girod (Zürich), Malte Hagener (Marburg), Adelheid Heftberger (Vienna) and Heike Klippel (Braunschweig).
Filme für die Zukunft. Die Staatliche Filmdokumentation am Filmarchiv der DDR,
ed. by Anne Barnert. Berlin: Neofelis 2015.
→ to the publisher's website
Über Thomas Heise,
ed. by Matthias Dell and Simon Rothöhler. Berlin: Vorwerk 8 2014.
→ to the publisher's website
Good bye, Fassbinder! Der deutsche Kinofilm seit 1990,
by Pierre Gras, translated from French by Marcus Seibert. Berlin: Alexander Verlag 2014, updated first German edition.
→ to the publisher's website
Drei Sensationen und zwei Katastrophen. Feuilletons zur Welt des Kinos,
by Joseph Roth, ed. and commented by Helmut Peschina and Rainer-Joachim Siegel. Göttingen: Wallstein 2014.
→ to the publisher's website
Kino, Sprache, Tanz. Ästhetik und Vermittlung in den Filmen der Berliner Schule,
by Wenke Wegner, Bremer Schriften zur Filmvermittlung 5. Marburg: Schüren 2015.
→ to the publisher's website
Der sanfte Lauf, incl. Shortfilms and Booklet. Fridolfing: Absolut Medien 2015.
→ to the publisher's website
Der Wittstock-Zyklus. 1975-1997, 7 Filme, 2 DVDs (393 min), Booklet, ed. by Ralf Schenk, DEFA-Archivschätze. Berlin: Absolut Medien 2014.
→ to the publisher's website
Friedliche Tage & Prinzenbad, Edition Filmmuseum 88, 2 DVDs (161 min), Booklet, ed. by Filmmuseum München and Goethe-Institut Munich. Munich: film & kunst 2014.
→ to the publisher's website
Panzerkreuzer Potemkin & Oktjabr', Edition Filmmuseum 82, 2 DVDs (280 min), 24-page Booklet, ed. by Filmmuseum München and Österreichisches Filmmuseum. Munich: film & kunst 2014.
→ to the publisher's website
Schonzeit für Füchse, 24-page Booklet. Stuttgart: Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 2014.
→ to the publisher's website