cinefest - Internationales Festival des deutschen Film-Erbes

18th International Film History Conference

17 - 19 November 2005, daily 9.30 am - 4 pm
at the University Guest House
(Rothenbaumchaussee 34)

The 18th International Film History Conference will explore the festival's topic more deeply. It will look into the better known »back to back« productions of multilingual versions from Babelsberg or Joinville as well as more »exotic« efforts from Sweden, Hungary, Spain, Czechoslovakia, and the Netherlands.

Other topics will include the general development of sound technology and dubbing in the 1930s, co-produced remakes/versions as well as special cases like »multilingual films«.


Click here for the programme as a pdf-Document

Thursday, 17 November 2005:

09:30 – 12:00 o'clock
Panel 1: History and Theory
Joseph Garncarz, Cologne: Sprachversionen: Zur Einführung ein Überblick
Leonardo Quaresima, Bologna: Mehrsprachenversion/Dubbing?

13:30 – 16:00 o'clock
Panel 2: Inter-European Connections
Francesco Bono, Rome: Beniamino, Carmine & CO. – MLVs zwischen Rom und Berlin
Anna Sofia Rossholm, Stockholm: What do the MLV-films tell us about cultural differentiation vs. internationalisation?
Natascha Durovicová, Iowa City: Paramount as a homeostatic system

Friday, 18 November 2005:

09:30 – 12:00 o'clock
Panel 3: National MLVs: Czechoslovakia
Ivan Klimes (in cooperation with Pavel Zeman), Prague: Aktualita 1937-1938. Tschechoslowakische Tonbildschau
Petr Szcepanik, Brno, Prague, Weimar: The practices of exhibition and reception of German films in Czechoslovakia of early 1930s
Tereza Dvorakova, Prague, Berlin, Erfurt: Randnotizen zum ersten und zweiten "Prager Barock"

13:30 – 16:00 o'clock
Panel 4: SoundTracks: Music and MLVs
Geoff Brown, London: Eichberg, May, Schmidt, and the Eurovision Song Contest
Charles O'Brien, Carleton: Film, Gramophone, and National Media Culture: "Die 3-Groschen-Oper" and "L’Opéra de quat’ sous"

Saturday, 19 November 2005

9:30 – 12:00 o'clock
Panel 5: Global Motifs, Nationalistic Motivations
Horst Claus, Bristol: Vaterlandsliebe und Geschäft - Beobachtungen zu Ufas Produktionspolitik gegenüber den Sprachversionen
Chris Wahl, Bochum: Nationale Verankerung und globales Verständnis

13:00 – 16:00 o'clock
Panel 6: Case Studies
Robert Fischer, Munich: Mörder, Murderer, Meurtrier: Sprachen und Blickwinkel in Fritz Langs "M"
Daniel Otto, Munich: "Andalusische Nächte" in Babelsberg – Deutsch-Spanische Mehrsprachenproduktionen unter Franco und Hitler

Final discussion

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