cinefest - Internationales Festival des deutschen Film-Erbes cf-Logo

cinefest 2017
14th International Festival of German Film-Heritage
Hamburg: 18 - 26 November 2017

organized by CineGraph and Bundesarchiv

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Revolution, Restoration, and Transition
A Cinematic Reflection of Culture and Politics between 1789 and 1848

Lenz (1969-71, George Moorse)
Quelle: Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF, Frankfurt/Main

The era between the French Revolution of 1789 and the restoration of the royal order after the failure of the democratic revolution in Germany in 1848 has motivated and inspired both contemporary artists and literary figures between the late 18th century and the present.
The dynamics of this era are evident in the works of revolutionary writers such as Georg Forster and Georg Büchner. Living in Paris during the revolution, Heinrich Heine was disheartened by the situation in Germany while Schiller and Goethe transitioned from the “Sturm und Drang“ to a courtly aristocracy. During the Romantic era, both transfigurations of the past and sombre reflections of the present (E.T.A. Hoffmann) were found and similar developments also occurred in other European countries (Percy & Mary Shelley).
Filmmakers of the 20th century have used both the works and biographies of these authors as a blueprint to cope with their own realities under diverse regimes, discussing and assessing acute social problems under the disguise of "classical literature". These films actively expose an ever-present inner turmoil between culture and politics.
cinefest and the film conference are therefore able to offer a two-fold refraction of cinematic adaptations of artistic and literary works from a period of political unrest.

The 30th International Conference of German Film Heritage is an integral part of the festival, where the topics of the festival will be deepened in presentations and discussions.

CineGraph - Hamburgisches Centrum für Filmforschung e.V.
Schillerstr. 43, 22767 Hamburg
Tel: +49-(0)40-352194 / Fax: +49-(0)40-345864
email: info(at)

in Cooperation with
Kinemathek Hamburg - Kommunales Kino Metropolis
Deutsches Historisches Museum / Zeughauskino, Berlin
Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Wiesbaden
Narodní filmový archiv, Prag
FilmForum Udine/Gorizia
Cinémathèque Suisse Lausanne / Filmpodium Zürich

with frienldy support from
Arte, Straßburg
AV Visionen GmbH, Berlin
British Film Institute, London
Bücherhallen Hamburg
DEFA-Stiftung, Berlin
Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Berlin
Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF, Frankfurt
Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds, Prag
Due Baristi Espressobar, Hamburg
Filmarchiv Austria, Wien
Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein GmbH
Filmuniversität KONRAD WOLF, Babelsberg
Gästehaus der Universität, Hamburg
Herbert und Elsbeth Weichmann-Stiftung, Hamburg
Hotel Vorbach, Hamburg
Omnimago, Ingelheim
Österreichisches Filmmuseum, Wien
Slovenský Filmový Ústav, Bratislava
Slowakisches Institut, Berlin
Universität Hamburg – Institut für Medien und Kommunikation

Media Partner: FilmDienst

CineGraph – Hamburgisches Centrum für Filmforschung e.V. is funded by the Hamburg Ministry of Culture.

After the event in Hamburg, parts of the film programme will also be shown in Berlin, Wiesbaden, Prague, Vienna and Zurich.

Deutsche Version

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