Willy Haas Award
The Willy Haas Award is an award for an important international print and DVD publication not older than two years on German cinema, chosen from five previously nominated titles.
Willy Haas was an author, filmcritic and screenwriter who was born in Prague and died in Hamburg.
The award is presented at the opening night of the International Film History Conference on the 18th of November 2009 by an international and independent jury.
Willy Haas Award 2009
2009 the international jury consists of
Thomas Ballhausen (Vienna),
Sabine Hake (Austin, Texas),
Kay Hoffmann (Stuttgart),
Anne Jespersen (Kopenhagen) and
Roel Vande Winkel (Ghent).
The jury has chosen the following five nominees of each category for the shortlist:
Die Antifaschismus-Thematik der DEFA.Anne Barnert. Marburg: Schüren 2008.
The Cinema of Werner Herzog: Aesthetic Ecstasy and Truth.
Brad Prager.
London: Wallflower Press 2007.
Michael Haneke's Cinema. The Ethic of the Image.
Catherine Wheatley.
Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books 2009.
Sprachversionsfilme aus Babelsberg. Die internationale Strategie der Ufa 1929-1939.
Chris Wahl. München: edition text + kritik 2009.
Die unheimliche Maschine: Rasse und Repräsentation im Weimarer Kino.Tobias Nagl . München: edition text + kritik 2009.
Berlin, die Sinfonie der Großstadt & Melodie der Welt. Walther Ruttmann. (1927 + 1929)
film & kunst GmbH. Edition Filmmuseum 39. Filmmuseum München, Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, ZDF/Arte.
Nerven. Robert Reinert. (1919)
film & kunst GmbH. Edition Filmmuseum 41. Filmmuseum München, Goethe-Institut München.
Filmverlag der Autoren Edition.
Die freudlose Gasse. G. W. Pabst. 1925
Filmarchiv Austria (Film + Text 10) + Buch: Armin Loacker (Hg.): Wien, die Inflation und das Elend. Essays und Materialien zum Stummfilm Die freudlose Gasse.
Harun Farocki Filme 1967-2005
The final winners will be announced during the opening ceremony of the 22nd International Film History Conefernce on Wednesday, the18th of November 2009 in Hamburg.