cinefest - Internationales Festival des deutschen Film-Erbes

CineFest 2006
3rd International Festival of German Film Heritage
Hamburg: 18 - 26 November 2006

Ship Ahoy!
Maritime Cinema in Germany and Europe
from 1912 - 1957

Melodie der Welt (1929, Walther Ruttmann)
Source: Filmmuseum Berlin - Deutsche Kinemathek

Films from more than half a century dealing with ships and the navy explore nautical locales.
Early documentaries present the sea as the focal area for the European naval forces before and during World War I.
Later it is glorified in feature films as the scene of vice, luxury, and amusement.

The restored version of "Mare Nostrum" will be screened : a lavish Mediterranean panorama and submarine drama by the Irish director Rex Ingram, which was banned in Germany in 1926.
The cinematic inheritance of the cruise ship photographer Richard Fleischhut also awaits its discovery.
The disaster of the "Titanic", presented throughout all media and nations for decades, is naturally a topic of the retrospective and conference, along with the "Pamir", the last German freight clipper, whose sinking in 1957 marked the end of an era.
Further scheduled topics include Anglo-German documentaries about the British and German Navies and the short, tragic history of the Imperial Austrian-Hungarian navy.

in Cooperation with
Kinemathek Hamburg - Kommunales Kino Metropolis
hamburgmuseum - Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte
Deutsches Historisches Museum / Zeughauskino, Berlin
Filmarchiv Austria, Wien
Cinémathèque Suisse Lausanne / Filmpodium Zürich
Absolut MEDIEN, Berlin
University of Southampton
Imperial War Museum, London

with friendly support from
Arte Straßburg
DEFA Stiftung, Berlin
Det Danske Filminstitut, Kopenhagen
Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen, Berlin
Deutsche Wochenschau GmbH, Hamburg
Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF, Frankfurt
Film- und Fernsehmuseum Hamburg e.V.
FilmFörderung Hamburg GmbH
Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung Wiesbaden
Greenpeace e.V., Hamburg
Icestorm Entertainment GmbH, Berlin
Jugendinformationszentrum Hamburg
Kinowelt GmbH, Leipzig
Kulturwerk der VG BILD-KUNST GmbH, Bonn
Landesarchiv Schleswig-Holstein / Landesfilmarchiv, Schleswig
Mare, Hamburg
Nederlands Filmmuseum, Amsterdam
Nord Event GmbH, Hamburg
Reederei F. Laeisz, Hamburg
Stiftung Rickmer Rickmers, Hamburg
Tchibo Coffee Service GmbH, Hamburg
Transit Film GmbH, Munich
Universität Hamburg – Institut für Neuere deutsche Literatur und Medienkultur

CineGraph – Hamburgisches Centrum für Filmforschung e.V. is funded by the Hamburg department of culture (Kulturbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg)


CineFest 2005
2nd International Festival of German Film Heritage

FilmEurope - Babylon

Multilingual Versions (MLV) of the 1930s in Europe

To the archive

Hamburg: 12 - 20 November 2005
Berlin: 17 November - 11 December 2005 (Zeughauskino)
Vienna: 1 - 9 March 2006 (Filmarchiv Austria)
Zurich & Lausanne: February/March 2006 (Filmpodium Zurich, Cinémathèque Suisse)

Deutsche Version

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